Jaypee Kassia |Jaypee Kassia Noida@ 9953518822, 9718337727 Jaypee Kassia Sport city

2011-11-30 25

Jaypee Kassia are a limited edition personal suites amidst a fascinating landscape parks.
A home designed to value your own space, where style meets elegance and delights you with a warm friendly living.
Facing a serene water body and a boulevard running along to soothen your senses, Kassia revolutionize your lifestyle with its unique architectural designs.
Kassia comes as a marvel of living in style where homes are available in the option of 1/2/3/4 bedroom personal floors as well as breathtaking duplex apartments.
Contact us at 9953518822, 9718337727 or visit us at www.jaypee-kassia-noida.in